Category Archives: Butler House Kilkenny

When will my wedding DVD be ready?

When will my wedding DVD be ready?… ok here’s how it works

wedding video Kilkenny abbey videoThis is a question I am asked at the time of booking or even on the wedding day and I feel if someone pays for a product they should get it within a reasonable timeframe. We here at Abbey Video Productions based in Tipperary and Kilkenny have a great team, herself and me 🙂 I film then hand over to Breda the next day – of course I go through the footage with her to check and to see all is 100%, and maybe discuss some special shots that might be nice for use in a highlight shot. Then when we are happy with the raw footage it goes into our beast of a new computer and between Breda’s editing skills and the state of the art editing system we use, your wedding DVD is born!

Wedding Video Kilkenny | Abbey Video Productions
Wedding Video Kilkenny | Abbey Video Productions

We have a tidy system operating! If I film a wedding on a Friday, when I get home that footage is backed up and backed up again. The next day that wedding footage is checked thorougly and makes its way to the next stage into the editing system. From there, your raw film footage is placed on the video timeline and your choice of music added to the second audio timeline. Your live audio is left in place where appropriate (the marriage ceremony, speeches, dancing) and your choice of music is placed over video footage where needed, with adjustments made where necessary so that the music fits the flow of the film. When we are 110% happy with it, a HD file is rendered to ensure the utmost high quality.

Thomastown Church Kilkenny abbey video

But it’s not done yet! Now for our sophisticated authoring system where the file is encoded and chaptered for your convenience and finally written to a DVD or a usb key.

While all that’s working, the art work for your DVD face and presentation box is being designed on another computer to ensure the main computer is not interrupted while making your wedding DVD. So when the DVD is ready out it pops and it’s time for one of us to check the final product not once but twice, just to be sure! Then at this point it’s time to pack it and have it ready for when the couple come back from honeymoon.

New park Hotel Kilkenny wedding video Kilkenny . comIt’s strange when I hear stories that some videographers are 3 -5 months behind on editing , so it takes months for couples to receive their wedding DVDs. When booking your wedding video be sure to ask how long it will take to see the completed product. I am very busy here in Tipperary along with covering a large area of Kilkenny and Waterford, so we are very proud that we can deliver when a couple return from honeymoon. Have a look here at some of the fantastic reviews we have got along the way for our quick but professional delivery of your special DVD. So if you are planning on getting married in 2016/ 2017/2018 give me a call and let’s discuss the wide range of packages available to you, along with our highly competitive prices. See our Reviews

How To Distribute Your Wedding Video To People Who Couldn’t Attend Your Wedding

Wedding video KIlkenny - Abbey videoHow To Distribute Your Wedding Video To People Who Couldn’t Attend Your Wedding

Whether we are covering weddings in Tipperary, Kilkenny, Carlow or Waterford, we understand a wedding day is the most important event in the life of most brides to be. This is perfectly normal, so nobody can blame you for wanting this day to be perfect even in the smallest details. Unfortunately, some of your friends and family members may not be able to join you to celebrate your big day together. Perhaps they are busy, perhaps they travel for business or they are sick. Whatever their reasons for not attending your wedding ceremony, this doesn’t mean they don’t want to see your wedding photos and videos.

Wedding video KIlkenny - Abbey videoThese being said, you probably want to find a way to share your wedding video with all people who couldn’t attend your ceremony. Luckily, there are several ways you can do it, without too much hassle. The first method is to set up a YouTube channel and upload your video there, and then share the link with all your friends and family. They would need an internet connection in order to be able to watch your movie.

Wedding video KIlkenny - Abbey videoYou also have another option that would enable them to watch the film offline. You can use a file sharing website to upload your file, and then send an email with the download link to all people you want to access your video. They have to download the file, but once they’ve done it, they can watch the video without needing an internet connection. However, this method requires them to have enough storage space on their computer or mobile device to download and store the video.

Wedding video KIlkenny - Abbey videoIf you want, you can also upload your video to Facebook. However, you have to check the maximum file size they accept. The other drawback is that your friends need to have a Facebook account in order to be able to access your video. Nonetheless, there are very few people who aren’t on Facebook these days, so this might not be such a big problem. Speaking of Facebook, you could also make use of their live broadcast opportunity to address a few words to all your friends who couldn’t attend it, straight from the venue. You may even want to start your broadcast just before the most important moment of the day, the moment when both of you are going to make your vows.

brides_choice_awards_nominated_badge_200x151Last but not least, if you hire a professional photographer and filmmaker for your wedding, you can ask them to create a special page on their website, and upload your photos and videos there. Many photographers offer this service to their clients anyway, so you might even receive it as part of your agreed wedding package.

Whatever method you choose, all people who weren’t able to attend your wedding are going to have access to your videos. They are going to watch you in your most important day, feeling as if they were there, in the same room with you and with all other guests. Modern technology is wonderful, so use it to your advantage!

Wedding video KIlkenny - Abbey videoSo what ever way you might like to share your wedding day with family and friends that cant make it on the day, give me a call and I will be glad help you with the options out there.  ~ Joe

This is a guest post by Mark Wilcox of“> where  he shares more wedding planning tips.


Civil Ceremony Alternatives;

Wedding video Tipperary & Kilkenny abbey video
Wedding video Tipperary & Kilkenny

After All, Your Big Day Deserves more than the Registrar’s Office.
Getting married is one of life’s biggest events and every couple wants it to be as memorable as possible for all the right reasons.
Now of course there is nothing wrong with a traditional civil ceremony and after all, the most important part of the day is the actual marriage itself, although, I have filmed a lot of Civil ceremony’s In and around Tipperary and Kilkenny and getting hitched in a registrar’s office may not be the most romantic of settings or the day you’ve always dreamed of. Your wedding is something that you (hopefully) will only be doing once so it’s worth making that extra effort to ensure the day is as special and unique to you as possible. The following alternative ceremonies will give you a brief idea of how you can make the day that little bit more special.

Wedding video Tipperary & Kilkenny - abbey video productions
Wedding video Tipperary & Kilkenny

The Possibilities are endless there are now more ways than ever for brides and grooms to mark their special day and these alternative ceremonies are becoming ever more popular around the world and especially in Ireland
A ‘knot tying’ ceremony
One of the most unique alternatives is known as a ‘knot-tying’ ceremony. Here, the couple can demonstrate their combined strength by tying a fisherman’s knot. Getting tighter with pressure this knot is meant to signify a couple’s strength. Ideally the material used in this ceremony should have some significance, for example a strip of cloth from the dress that the bride wore on the first date if possible. Every ceremony is unique so it is entirely up to the happy couple but this is certainly one idea which is becoming more popular.
Other alternatives

Anner Hotel Thurles
Anner Hotel Thurles

Another alternative which is becoming increasingly popular is a sand ceremony. In this ceremony, the couple mix two different colours of sand into one container which symbolises their hearts and lives becoming entwined. The fact that it is extremely difficult to separate the two colours once they have been mixed is also highly significant as this is a reflection of the couple being joined together and unable to be separated.
A water ceremony works in much the same way as a sand ceremony with each partner having a container of coloured water which is unique to them and then pouring it into one joint container, therefore symbolising unity and togetherness.

Civil ceremony wedding Tipperary abbey video
Civil ceremony wedding Tipperary

A Lasting Memento
As your wedding day is such a unique and special occasion it is well worth having a memento which will last forever and I can make that memory last forever so no matter where your getting married let it be  Tipperary, Kilkenny, Carlow or Waterford or anywhere in Ireland my packages are designed to suit you in terms of style and budget. Videography companies like Abbey Video Productions have experience in recording all manner of ceremonies, indoors and outdoors and in various locations so wherever your ceremony takes place, I can record it without any problems.

All photos  © Abbey Video)

All the frills for your wedding

Kilkenny Wedding Videographers
                      Kilkenny Wedding Videographers

Over the years of filming wedding videos in Kilkenny/Carlow, and of course my own county of Tipperary, I guess you could say I have seen it all! The poor old Celtic tiger weddings were great for all the frills, helicopters, BIG chocolate fountains (and I mean big ones!), 300+ at the weddings, fifty-Euro notes being thrown in over the counter at a bemused bartender, with the owner of the 50 shouting ‘Take it all out of that!’ The honeymoon had to last 4-5 weeks – and they were gone further than Tramore! Wedding cars traveling to weddings the length and breadth of Ireland. The same with wedding bands; how many times have I asked the band members where they were from – Dublin was the answer most of the time. The task of getting these suppliers from all over the country was not an issue, nor was the cost….

Kilkenny Wedding Videographers
                   Tipperary Wedding Videographers

Well, someone ate that tiger as you know. But as the last few years leveled out, people getting married learned how to budget all over again. Well maybe no harm was done there. I wont say things were gone mad; people were gone mad. So, with things improving some – so we are told by our leaders – but not a lot, people can now see where they stand. And I don’t mean at the alter, but what they can afford.

Kilkenny Wedding Videographers
       Carlow  Wedding Videographers

Of course, you have to enjoy your wedding day after all the planning. But, in recent years I have come across lots of little details that the bride & groom had made, such as a simple tree branch to hold the names of the guests with their table number on it. I saw a great one lately in the New Park Hotel Kilkenny – an old suit case with all the guests names in it, but mixed up, and it was handed around to pick out their names they had great fun in the bar doing this.

But it’s great to see the old chocolate fountain back. It’s a great treat for all, as was the one last week in the Lakeside Hotel in Killaloe. The chocolate fountain was in full swing; the usual chocolate covered  kids, and there’s always a few guys licking their fingers and trying to get the mess off their ties. We cant forget the sweet cart: Where would the adults – I mean the kids – be without a wedding sweet cart? Another great little treat, and even on more tighter budget times, the sweet cart made its way to 80% of weddings I have filmed.


Kilkenny Wedding Videographers
Tipperary Wedding DVDs

The honeymoon: Well as I said Tramore is out of the question this time of year! But the Cayman Islands, I hear, is the top spot to be seen in at the moment. So after all the years of planning your wedding, it’s the place to be spoiled, and I believe the weather can be good there 🙂  The second choice among the couples is a jaunt to Florida, a Caribbean Cruise & New York City – ladies, don’t forget Macy’s. Nice one!

So here’s to more stable times, well planned weddings, keep to the budget, and have a fab day!

Its all weddings in Kilkenny

Wedding Video Bookings for 2016 and 2017  are pouring in the last few days. Even January coming  is heavily booked it’s something I have never encountered before but is great to see. I do think my number one ranking on Google is good, but word of mouth is better and that’s how my businesses works the best.  Even  2017  is well booked. Throughout the year, I have had to recommend some well heeled colleagues of mine to brides for whom I was booked for their date. If I am booked, I don’t just send them a name of the first  videographer that springs to mind. I have a few professional guys that I hold in the highest regard and we always recommend each other, should one of us be booked. With this way of working, no couple will get the run around with different prices. I would never recommend someone I would not use my self.

Wedding Videographer New Park Hotel Kilkenny
Wedding Videographer New Park Hotel Kilkenny

The last few weeks has been hectic  filming weddings in and around Tipperary along with Kilkenny and Carlow,  This is why I had to defer a brand new editing software until next month which is the most professional in Europe. I have made the big decision to change over to a top of the range  MAC. After a lot of research, I have  learned that, together, MAC and the new editing software will both provide even more fantastic results to my editing work. It will also make my turn around time even better. Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 software is the best video editing software available my two new top of the range Sony cameras are well in training by now after the few months of hard work  and works nearly by themselves

Brides Choice Awards finialistSo, with a fantastic looking year ahead and with 80% of my work in and around Tipperary and Kilkenny, I guess I can’t complain. However, with every wedding that I film I try and create a new and unique way of crafting wedding videos and editing. Anyone  can give you a wedding video, but I try and make it that bit special. It’s this that has kept me ahead of other other “video guys “, while still offering a Professional Affordable and Unobtrusive service.   So, if you are planning your wedding for  this year, you’d better be quick and contact me now, or even for 2016/ 2017 as I am  being booked very fast. To see my new and unique way of how your wedding video could look, give me a call. I will try to match your service area, along with the hotel  that you might be using, with a full wedding DVD to view at home. This way, you get a feel of my true work

Vedding Video Kilkenny ABBEY VIDEO
Vedding Video Kilkenny

Dundrum House Hotel in Tipperary along with Clonmel Park Hotel   Hotel Minella ClonmelHotel Kilkenny , New park hotel  Kilkenny was the most visited by me while filming weddings. I also visited Cork, Waterford and Limerick. And I would like to thank all the hotels for their help on the day, and look forward to working in all the local hotels around Tipperary, Kilkenny and Carlow and the others over the months ahead So wherever you might be getting married, give me a call and I will give you the most competitive price you will find anywhere in Munster.

Brides in Munster
Brides in Munster

Weddings are huge business in every country, and your wedding needs planing  a lot of planing I know I hear it all first hand so to help you along with your big day have a look at BRIDES IN MUNSTER  again a local wedding suppler site but covering  Kilkenny and Carlow for the local brides in 2016/ 17 its packed with 100% top notch wedding professionals covering wedding video , wedding photography, wedding cakes , wedding flowers, wedding rings, wedding dresses, wedding sweet carts any thing wedding its there! as I said before if you don’t see a Wedding a suppler on this great local wedding supplier site are they worth the call?

Kilkenny Cinematic Weddings

Kilkenny Cinematic Weddings

Wedding video Kilkenny - abbey video
Wedding Videographer Kilkenny and Tipperary Carlow

We at Wedding video Kilkenny  can create beautiful cinematic wedding memories of your day, and have been lucky to have reached the finals of the Mrs2Be Brides’ Choice Awards this year, as a popular videographer in all areas of Kilkenny, Tipperary and Carlow and of course Waterford and all neighbouring counties. So check out  our cinematic style wedding films, and as always, captured by myself with an unobtrusive and creative approach.

With wedding videography here  in Kilkenny your free to relive the moment you walk down the aisle and feel the wedding jitters again, hear your voices as you exchange vows and rings with my powerful audio radio mics so you can hear clearly  and see the toasts, the music, your first dance at the reception and the chance to preserve the complete story of your wedding day.

Wedding Videos and DVDs
Wedding Videos and DVDs

You have only one chance to be certain your wedding day is professionally captured; just one chance to be sure all of the emotions, the love and laughter are captured for you to share over and over. I am discreet and unobtrusive in all my approaches and capture the moment, not the attention of you or your guests.

Your wedding DVD preserves memories that will last for generations.

Wedding Video  Tipperary Kilkenny and Carlow and Waterford Kerry, Cork, Clare, Limerick for Corporate events in Ireland

Wedding Video Kilkenny | Abbey Video Productions
Wedding Video Kilkenny | Abbey Video Productions

I have been involved in shooting videos for weddings and many other family and corporate events in Waterford. We have been chosen to film weddings and ceremonies in the below venues over the past few years, all of which we can be     wholly recommend to our readers.  Just a small section of the locations we have filmed include…

7 oaks Carlow
• Langton House Hotel Kilkenny
• Marlfield Church Clonmel
• New park hotel
• Newpark hotel
• Rathsallagh House Golf & Country Club
• River court hotel
• The New Park Hotel Kilkenny
• The woodlands Hotel Waterford
• Ballindud Mill and Cottage
• The Tower Hotel
• Kilmacthomas
• The Sacred Heart Church Faha
• Stradbally
• The Nire Valley
• Abbey Court Hotel
• Abbey Court Nenagh
• Anner Hotel Thurles
• Clonmel park hotel
• Faithlegg House Hotel
• Hotel Minella Clonmel Co Tipperary
• Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel
• The Woodlands Hotel
• Waterford Castle
• Faithlegg Church
• Lismore Castle
• Crook Church
• The Church of the Sacred Heart
• Kilshane house
• Langton House Hotel Kilkenny
• Marlfield Church Clonmel
• New park hotel
• Newpark hotel
• Rathsallagh House Golf & Country Club
• River court hotel
• The New Park Hotel Kilkenny
• The woodlands Hotel Waterford
• Ballindud Mill and Cottage
• The Tower Hotel
• Kilmacthomas
• The Sacred Heart Church Faha
• Stradbally
• The Nire Valley

Kilkenny wedding 2015

Wedding Videography Service in Kilkenny / Carlo
Wedding Videography Service in Kilkenny

My idea of creating a website  just for wedding videography services  in Kilkenny  following feed back for brides and grooms around Kilkenny & Carlow areas has been a huge success for me. Bookings have been pouring in from the areas I have targeted, and of course its a huge thank you to all the couples that have me booked for this year – 2016 – 2017 and I got my first 2 booking for 2018 ! this morning in Kilkenny so happy days there so that’s my little bit of feedback on the site, as one bride said  to me today pity  some other Wedding videographers  did not think of it earlier… well they are to late now !


Now talking about Kilkenny, I filmed a lovely wedding there 2 weeks ago for Kelly O Shea & Brandon Walsh, both Kilkenny people, Kelly admitted  she priced and looked at samples of other “video” guys but she loved the way my footage flowed  and of course my prices, which was very important  to her and everyone these days along with my invisible way of filming their wedding day.


Wedding Videography Service in Kilkenny / Carlow
Wedding Videography Service in Kilkenny / Carlow

A quick call to Kelly’s home the morning of the wedding which is just across the street from  St. Mary’s Cathedral in Kilkenny city was a must, its where the fun begins for me  on a wedding day, as everyone is so excited with the make-up people there , the friends and family calling its a real buzz, Kelly kept no one waiting and the day ran like clock work. John Delaney their photographer was all ready there when i arrived, John is a fantastic photographer and also owns  Johns photo boot  we meet  quite a lot at weddings in and around Kilkenny, and of course we both recommend each other to couples which is a great way to network. Brides in Munster, Tipperary and Kilkenny’s  wedding supplier  website was also a part 


Wedding Videography Service in Kilkenny / Carlo
Wedding Videography Service in Kilkenny

After the lovely ceremony by Fr Willie Purcell    who is great fun and makes every couple relaxed with his approach, o yes and he also commented on how unobtrusive  I was …. just thought I get that little bit in  there 🙂  we went to Kilkenny castle for the photo shoot and what a day for the Castle grounds , which is rare these days with our Irish weather, we got some lovely walking shots of Kelly and Brandon and where would you be without the famous  water feature  in the grounds of the castle, As John was taking the last few photographs I made my way to no other than Langtons  house hotel in the center of Kilkenny city, where my good friend Sean was on hand with the champagne, Sean is a great guy makes sure all is going smoothly on the day, myself and Sean go back a long way and he always recommends me to couples who is booking their wedding at Langtons if you look at their wedding sheets Wedding video Kilkenny is number one on it for wedding video.


Wedding Video Kilkenny | Abbey Video Productions
Wedding Video Kilkenny | Abbey Video Productions

Well that’s all for now i’m afraid, as we have a load of editing to get done and my main editor Breda is dowloading a fresh wedding video to the timeline, with 3 more weddings this week – end,  New park Hotel Kilkenny  Thursday |  Hotel Minella Clonmel Friday|  Dundrum House Saturday, but its great  ALL local, 1 from Kilkenny and 2 from my home area of Cashel so happy days. and a thank you to Kelly and Brandon for choosing  to film their wedding day in Kilkenny, but I’m sure I will meet this very popular Kilkenny couple at many more wedding in Kilkenny and Tipperary along the way  ~ Joe  o yes below is  a little feed back Kelly left on my face book ……

 “Just watched our wedding dvd for the 100th time!!! What can I say joe thanks so much you, captured our day perfectly amazing start to finish and your such a gentleman thanks so much absolutely fab job I’d highly recommend you and that’s from th bottom of my heart 💜💜💜💜” 


It’s Summer-time!

Kilkenny weddings Summer-time
Kilkenny weddings and its Summer-time

It’s finally feeling like Summer-time, and I must confess as a wedding videographer here in Kilkenny, this is one of my favourite times of the year. In terms of filming, I am given much greater scope for filming the outdoors. Filming is made easier by the fact that the bridal party can spill out into the grounds of their wedding venue, at ease and relaxed in the summer heat. I pride myself on filming my wedding parties in a discreet manner, a skill I have been working on for years. When the wedding guests come out into the sunshine, they relax and my job is made that little bit easier and even more pleasurable. When the sun shines, everyone unwinds, their shoulders drop, and they smile and enjoy the day that little bit more. The extra hours of sunlight also mean I have a bigger window to obtain great footage.

Get ready for 2016

Kilkenny wedding video abbey video
Kilkenny weddings

Naturally, summer-time is my busiest time of year. If you’ve recently become engaged, now is a great time to start making preparations if you intend to marry in summer 2016. My diary for next year is filling up quickly, so I think it’s best to prepare as much in advance as possible, which will also minimise stress during preparations. Competition for venues and churches is greatest at this time of year, so you will need to start putting plans and ideas together, and make bookings soon. It may seem obvious to most but here are a few great reasons for booking a summer wedding for 2016.
                                                             Let’s Go Outside!

New Park Hotel Kilkenny
New Park Hotel Kilkenny

In recent years I’ve watched many young couples make the most of the summer weather by moving their celebrations outdoors. This is a great way to keep expenses down and can create a wonderfully relaxed and casual feel to the day. Despite it being summer-time, our weather in Ireland is not always dependable. However, having a wedding in summer-time can give you greater freedom in terms of choosing a wedding venue. Outdoor weddings are still not licensed in Ireland, but if you are having a civil ceremony at a hotel or registered venue, you may consider venturing into the grounds of the venue for the entire reception or once the meal and speeches have ended. Summer-time can give you greater creative freedom in terms of choosing a venue. Most hotels will have maintained their gardens well and at this time of year they will be in full bloom and looking their best.

                                                            A garden wedding

Wedding video Kilkenny
Wedding video Kilkenny

I’ve filmed wonderful family weddings held in the grounds belonging to the bride’s parents. Marquees are becoming increasingly popular and can be borrowed or rented and erected in the back garden. This works particularly well for smaller weddings and is a great way to help keep your wedding under budget. The only possible downside is that the party can go on until the small hours of the morning! And with all that space, you’ll easily be able to accommodate your evening guests as well. When planning your garden, don’t forget you’ll need a generator and lights for the evening-time!

abbey_court_hotel kilkenny
Summer weddings

                                                                                                                                                    More Guests
Summer-time weddings tend to have a greater turn-out. More of your guests will be free to book time off work and they will be booking time off work anyway. The kids will off school, so families won’t be tied to the school calendar either. Family members who are living abroad are more likely to travel for a summer wedding and will make the trip their summer vacation. So you will have greater freedom to choose a week-day for your wedding and be less restricted to choosing a Saturday.

Get Creative!

Wedding Video | Butler House
Wedding Video | Butler House

Having your reception outdoors can put your creativity to the test. Recently I filmed a wedding reception in a marquee and the bride had decorated the inside with bunches of flowers called baby’s breath, Bristol fairy, or its proper name – Gypsphila. This delicate flower has been popular for as long as I can remember, but now more than ever it has become extremely popular – now it is used for bouquets and centre-pieces simply on its own. The result was fabulous and an inexpensive option. Summer weddings have a much larger colour palette and so give great freedom of expression in terms of colour – summer wedding really pop with colour, usually the brighter and bolder the better. I’ve also noticed brides and grooms becoming more creative over the summer months by wearing outfits slightly less conventional, for example – brightly coloured evening shoes and jewellery for the bride and coloured braces for the groom.

Great video and photos

The summer weather means, we can travel together to great locations for filming after the ceremony and with our incredible landscapes here in Tipperary, we really our spoiled so we should make the most of them. I’ve filmed some beautiful scenes of the married couple walking through a meadow or down a path beside a stream. These are only a few of ideas for filming during summer! If you want to discuss your wedding ideas for filming your wedding, please get in touch and we can have a chat. If you would like to know more about choosing a wedding videographer you can read more about what I do here.
Best of luck with your wedding plans! ~ Joe

Weddings in Kilkenny & Tipperary

Its all about the Best Wedding Videos Kilkenny & Tipperary

Best wedding video Kilkenny !

Wedding Video Bookings for 2016 and 2017  are pouring in the last few days. Even January this year  was as busy as last July and that’s booked out fully again this year!  It’s something I have never encountered before but is great to see. Even  2017  is well booked. Throughout the year, I have had to recommend some well heeled colleagues of mine to brides for whom I was booked for their date. If I am booked, I don’t just send them a name of the first  videographer that springs to mind. I have a few professional guys that I hold in the highest regard and we always recommend each other, should one of us be booked. With this way of working, no couple will get the run around with different prices. I would never recommend someone I would not use my self.


Another Kilkenny wedding video abbey video
Another Kilkenny wedding video

The last few weeks has been hectic  filming weddings and school shows in and around Tipperary along with Kilkenny and Carlow,  This is why I had to defer a brand new editing software until next month which is the most professional in Europe. I have made the big decision to change over to a top of the range  MAC. After a lot of research, I have  learned that, together, MAC and the new editing software will both provide even more fantastic results to my editing work. It will also make my turn around time even better. Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 software is the best video editing software available my two new top of the range Sony cameras are well in training by now after the few months of hard work  and works nearly by themselves

Brides choice awards 2015!
Finalist Brides choice awards 2015!

So, with a fantastic looking year ahead and with 80% of my work in and around Tipperary and Kilkenny, I guess I can’t complain. However, with every wedding that I film I try and create a new and unique way of crafting wedding videos and editing. Anyone  can give you a wedding video, but I try and make it that bit special. It’s this that has kept me ahead of other other “video guys “, while still offering a Professional Affordable and Unobtrusive service.   So, if you are planning your wedding for  this year, you’d better be quick and contact me now, or even for 2016/ 2017 as I am  being booked very fast. To see my new and unique way of how your wedding video could look, give me a call. I will try to match your service area, along with the hotel  that you might be using, with a full wedding DVD to view at home. This way, you get a feel of my true work

Kilkenny wedding video Lancton's Kilkenny   abbey video
Lancton’s Kilkenny

Dundrum House Hotel in Tipperary along with Clonmel Park Hotel   Hotel Minella ClonmelHotel Kilkenny , New park hotel  Kilkenny was the most visited by me while filming weddings. I also visited Cork, Waterford and Limerick. And I would like to thank all the hotels for their help on the day, and look forward to working in all the local hotels around Tipperary, Kilkenny and Carlow and the others over the months ahead So wherever you might be getting married, give me a call and I will give you the most competitive price you will find anywhere in Munster.

Brides in Munster abbey video
Tipperary Kilkenny  leading | wedding suppler directory

Weddings are huge business in every country, and your wedding needs planing  a lot of planing I know I hear it all first hand so to help you along with your big day have a look at BRIDES IN MUNSTER  again a local wedding suppler site but covering  Kilkenny and Carlow for the local brides in 2016/ 17 its packed with 100% top notch wedding professionals covering wedding video , wedding photography, wedding cakes , wedding flowers, wedding rings, wedding dresses, wedding sweet carts any thing wedding its there! as I said before if you don’t see a Wedding a suppler on this great local wedding supplier site are they worth the call?

kilkenny wedding venues- Mrs2Be Brides’ Choice Awards 2015


I got some fantastic news early this morning when I was informed I had reached the finals of the Mrs2Be Brides’ Choice Awards 2015 ( Recognising the best of the Irish wedding industry)! But as I said in an earlier blog it it’s not the winning for me … it would be nice, don’t get me wrong, but every wedding video I film whether it be in Tipperary, Kilkenny, Carlow or any of the multitude of other locations I attend, I always give it 110%.  Every bride and groom has different ideas for their wedding video, it may be the music they choose or the way they want it filmed – each couple is unique.  So when i am booked for a wedding I put a lot of planning into it well before the day, this way from the bride’s house to the first dance I know what’s expected of me – after all, it’s their day.



Abbey Video weddings - wedding video Kilkenny
Abbey Video weddings

The guests arriving is a very important part of filming as this is something the bride only gets to see on DVD later.  The music in the church, the service, the vows, the walk down the aisle as husband & wife – these are all key points. With regards to the music in the Church, I like to leave a wireless microphone or a professional voice recorder near the musicians  to capture the audio 100%.  Sound is just as important as picture, this is why I always use a wireless mic or voice recorder discreetly placed in the groom’s pocket to pick up the vows and this is removed right away outside the door after the ceremony.  The greeting line is a great way to formally meet your guests after the wedding.The bride’s house is a great place to start filming, with all the make-up and the hair being done it can be great fun.  It’s a part of the day the groom doesn’t get to see so it’s nice for him to be able to view this later on their finished wedding DVD.  The groom’s house sometimes gets filmed but this all depends on timing on the day, as i like to be at the ceremony location one hour before it starts – this time is needed to film the location, the flowers and all the little details in the Church or room where the ceremony is taking place.

Wedding video Kilkenny - abbey video
Wedding video Tipperary
wedding video Kilkenny abbey video productions
Wedding video Kilkenny

The photograph session is a fantastic opportunity for me to capture some great video footage.  I don’t just film what the photographer is doing but more of a candid covering of the bridal party and their families if they are there as well. If not I will capture them at the hotel. I enjoy filming the guests discreetly in the hotel enjoying the drinks reception, this way i get a great chance to catch up with some late-comers!  From there on I film the speeches, which lately tend to take place before the meal – it’s nice to relax and enjoy your meal once they are over and done with!  The dancing is filmed discreetly with no light if possible or just a small light on the camera if I need it.  Your wedding will end with a highlights chapter looking back over your day.
We have often been complimented on our turn-around time – we try to have the finished product ready when the couple return from honeymoon. I have read and heard of other couples not receiving their wedding DVDs for months, this can happen where only one person is working on a project and gets snowed under.It doesn’t end there… now the hard work starts!  The editing can take two days to to complete, but my wife Breda is a pro at this: various effects, titles, adding music, authoring and chaptering the final product, testing design sleeves for the covers of the boxes and the art work on the discs – it’s easy to see where two days goes here!


On a final note, getting back to the Mrs2Be Brides’ Choice Awards 2015, I would like to wish all the Finalists the very best of luck. kilkenny wedding venues